
Excalibur, Chartered Accountants is a trading name of DPR Accountancy Limited

Company number 4289414 (England and Wales)         Arrendene Road,Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 9JT

Telephone 01440 702339   Email:  website@excalibur.uk.com        © DPR Accountancy Ltd. All rights reserved

We are a general practice and as such offer advice and calculations in respect of
all the main taxes including VAT, Income Tax, National Insurance, Corporation Tax,
Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax.

Whilst we will aim to apply the rules to your best advantage, we do not undertake
risky tax avoidance schemes. Such schemes generally exploit loopholes in
the legislation, but these loopholes are invariably filled and quite often
retrospectively, leaving you with no tax advantage but large legal and accountancy
fees. We feel that this would do our clients no service, as in the long run you are
more likely to end up out of pocket than less.